The Powerpoint Drug

by | Jan 27, 2010 | Uncategorized |

so meetings can be super interesting or super frustrating or just plain ol’ boring, yet they really don’t have to be. Yet it seems that we are unable to conduct a meeting or a presentation without the joys of powerpoint. it’s like we have shackled ourselves together with microsoft and no chance of separation is possible. but instead of using powerpoint effectively and interestingly, we choose to kill ourselves with it. a slow murder suicide appears the only option available.

we love to take our presentation, put a hundred words on a slide, in a font that you can only read if you have binoculars, and then we stand in front of the screen, blocking everyone’s view and READ WORD FOR WORD what is on the screen. If, and only if, we actually stop for a second, turn around and look at our audience we’d notice them sleeping, some drooling, or otherwise engaged. however, sometimes the reading of the slides gets interrupted due to power failure, but then what is great is the general inability to actually talk about the topic without the powerpoint. It drives me nuts, let’s go back to the basics and ban powerpoint from meetings and teach people how to present, perhaps then we wouldn’t waste so much time and resources….



  1. The Powerpoint Drug « Faces of Another World « PPT Converter - [...] here: The Powerpoint Drug « Faces of Another World Tags: a-superb-tool, are-unable, free-animated, great-for, potential-clients, slides-depict, [...]

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