One person’s garbage is another’s treasure. We can substitute garbage and treasure for many other words: fear, learning, distraction, passion, arrogance, focus, hiding.
Tim Ferriss has decided to not read any new book in 2020. He was finding it a form of hiding, a distraction. When I read that I was shocked as it is so different than me. But that is the point, we are different, very different and so we need to understand ourselves.
However, if you read the reason behind why Tim made his decision, it isn’t about books but rather about time and reducing decision making. I love his ‘not to do list‘ from 2018. The book decision seems like a follow on from that. But really, it is about finding the decision that eliminates the need to make other decisions.
If we would apply this thinking to how we manage change – would we do things differently? What happens if we apply this to how we collect, manage, and share data? And of course there is, if I apply this to my day, my week, how would it look different?
What about you?
Photo by Roman Kraft