My dad turns 75 at the end of this month. I had book tickets to fly to Canada with my young son to celebrate with him and my brothers. We’d been planning to see some other family and friends too. We were excited for a trip together, just the two of us. And of course, there was maple syrup to bring home. And the virus came and took it all away.
It’s not easy explaining our current global situation to a 6 year old who likes to ask why. However, at one point in our conversation about cancelling the trip, I said we’d try again in the summer or autumn. He looked me in the eyes saying, ‘will it be over then? What if it isn’t? What if this changes things forever and we’re never able to see Grandpa again?’
6 year olds can be extreme at times, but it did make me think. I realised I’ve assume these social distancing measures to last for a month or two not 6 or 12. And yes, even in a month or two our communities will be changed. Yes, there will likely be a baby boom in 9 months, but there could also be a spike in divorce rates, domestic abuse, and other negative reactions.
But if it is 6 or 12, the change will likely be globally massive. We might rediscover ‘local’ – walks, our neighbours, local shops, and so on. Or we might build walls and do everything online. The organisations we work with or for will likely change – will our view of offices change when we work from home? How many businesses and organisations will close down? Will our way of structuring organisations and businesses change? Will our models of education be changed forever?
6 year olds often ask good questions. Ones that require thoughtful answers. If this goes on for 6-12 months, how will you cope, be changed? What opportunities does it present for you?
Hi Amos, so much has changed since we’ve seen you last. Glenn and I have been retired for some time and are in the Nova Scotia. As it’s easier to stay isolated for us we are trying to do so. This means many projects and hobbies we haven’t managed to do, despite our big plans, will likely see completion.
For us being isolated together has made us closer, and made us consider each other’s wishes more. We find ourselves on the same page regarding choices, despite our very opposing personalities.
We live in a close knit community where the Neighbors spend a lot of time together. This right now is keeping us apart but social media and phones allow us to keep in touch.
My Mom turns 80 in May, I have a flight booked to go back to Niagara and I don’t know if I’ll be able to go. I am very sad about this.
Life will give us some disappointments but hopefully and thankfully with warmer weather coming we can get out and come together safely within our community and find richness in those relationships. And hopefully knowing that our families and friends we miss will find some richness within their communities.
Also an additional thought. The benefits of social media. There’s been a lot of criticism of social media because it lacks vocal and physical contact.
If you think of how hard it must have been with historical outbreaks of disease and illness, without the ability to communicate globally. People that were isolated or far from loved ones could not share information, concerns, hope and thoughts.
Although we may have too much information to wade through, we know how our family and friends are that we are unable to physically be with. We also know of what is happening globally, good and bad. We know of closures, struggles, and options available in our communities. It helps some businesses continue to operate safely. Churches and educators can continue their work.
And most importantly, social media is a way to help those isolated, maybe feel a little less isolated.
And….share perspective.