Yesterday (Sunday) my Mom would have turned 76, but she was robbed of her party 8.5 years ago. My son, who’s never met her, wanted to put up the birthday bunting anyway.
As yesterday was also this blog’s 2nd birthday. 730 days of daily writing. Every day. We put up the bunting for that too.
When I began writing daily 2 years ago my realistic goal was a few months, perhaps a hundred days. Then six months, then a year, now 2. It’s been a journey of discovery, exploration, and massive change.
The world is a different place than two years ago. I am a different person. We all are. I remember writing ‘what if this last for over 6 months’ in the middle of March this year. And about the wrong type of snow in early 2019.
But I also remember writing about and reading experts opinions regarding how the COVID track and trace apps without proper governance would lead to more surveillance. Sadly, this week there was another example of this becoming reality with app data being given to police.
And this daily practice has lead to countless interesting discussions with people like you who read them. It’s led to trying new things like podcasts, public speaking more, and even writing two books (one coming in December & one in February) and creating courses.
This daily practice grounds me, clarifies and clears my head. And no it is not easy and sometimes it’s not even enjoyable. But it is a practice, a discipline. This practice is public, but not all are. The public nature of the practice was an intentional decision I made 2 years ago. And it helps.
Enough about me, what practice do you have? What practice can you start today? This time next year, what will you be glad you started today?
And a special note of thanks to all of you who over the past two years have read these posts, commented (publicly or privately) to me about them, and who have helped make them and me better. Thank you – the work everyone of you does is incredible. This is my tiny contribution.
Hi Amos,
Still so nice that you connected your choice for writing, and so keeping us sharp, to the birthday of your moms.
It makes her still ‘alive ‘ within me.
Thankfull of her many gifts while writing each other for many years.
You are gifted with her talent and even more!
Thanks and happy birthday!