We can debate whether or not consent is possible, necessary, and relevant. However, hopefully we can agree ‘informed’ is all those things.
A lot of time and energy is spent discussing and debating consent. Much of the debate tends to be focused on whether or not the person understands what they are consenting to, if they actually have a choice (viable alternatives), and if it is legally necessary.
Addressing the first two points (understanding and choice) rely heavily on the person being informed. Understanding is a prerequisite. And yet, our focus tends not to be there but rather on the legality aspects.
However, what would happen if we focused on the informing part? And for the avoidance of doubt, I’m not talking about word smithing the 20 pages of legalise about consent. No, I’m talking about engagement, education, communicating like normal humans, and checking for understanding.
And if we don’t want to do this. If we don’t want to spend the time explaining why we need this or that data, then it’s decision time. Option 1 – admit we don’t actually need the data. Option 2 – admit we don’t care about our customers or the people we seek to serve and remove all language from our value statements and marketing.
The choice is up to us.