Deduplication of persons, deduplication of assistance, referrals, integration or links to government systems, handover of projects and caseloads, links to private sector actors, links to other actors, quality, fraud, accountability to donors, accountability to project participants, complaints and feedback mechanisms, misuse of aid, missed use of aid, and so on. The list can go on.
We often talk about these in relation to cash programming. In reality, these are applicable to all forms of humanitarian system, not just cash. Sometimes I wonder why we treat cash programming differently, it’s not like it is the new kid on the block. Cash programming has been around for decades.
But yes, cash brings out in us all different emotions than physical items or community latrines.
Perhaps the challenge for us is how to use the ‘higher standard’ cash is measured against to raise the game of all humanitarian assistance. We can always improve. Let’s strive for it rather than shirk it.