In this episode I explore how going digital can perpetuate inequalities in society.
In the ‘have to’ space, we tend to seek the minimum, the letter of the law. “Tell me what the requirement is, so I can meet it and move on.” In this episode, I explore what is might look like if consent was a desirable. If it was something we wanted to do and sought after it.
When is data ‘mine’? When it is about me? Like most things, ownership is likely some sort of spectrum. In this episode I explore a few different ways of thinking about ownership and how that might impact how we view data ownership.
Digital data sharing is not about system interoperability as much as it is about data governance. Governance is the hard part and often messy. In this episodes, I talk through 5 factors to work through when thinking about the governance required for wise data sharing.
Sharing data seems like a no brainer in the midst of a disaster and it happens all the time. Sharing data between organisations can be very helpful, efficient, make many people’s lives easier, and even be expected. It can also be scary, cause harm, and be risky. In this episode I share some of the things to consider before sharing data.
As we go digital, we collect more and more data, partly because we can, but hopefully we are collecting it with a purpose.
In this episode, I explore the concept of a Data Trust and whether or not it can help civil society organisations share data in a safe, secure, and yet, transparent manner.
We often think efficiency reduces waste, but what happens when it creates waste? Is it still efficient? Can it be both? It depends who it is for. Being clear on who it is for or who answers the question has implications on how we design our work.
We capture data everywhere and it can be used to improve our lives or it can be used to control us. As we continue to create longer digital trails and footprints, our data can be used to benefit our lives. However, we get upset when the companies use our data for purposes we don’t agree with.
In Yemen, we decided it was ok to withhold food from starving people because they did not want to give us their biometrics. In Latin America, we decided it was ok to not tell all the youth we were working with that we were passing all of their data to the US gov’t. How did we get here? Where did we go wrong?