The challenge is that the confirmation of who is on the phone (proof of identity) needs to happen both ways, not just one way.
From the Blog on accountability
System Failure
Sometimes our systems say someone does not exist even though they standing right in front of us. What we do with a system failure says a lot about us.
An ‘F’ on the Report Card
The report card on progress on the Grand Bargain is a big ‘F’. Putting people at the centre of what we do is hard because it means we need to displace ourselves
Feedback: Art or a Waste of Time?
Embracing feedback becomes a wise choice when we do something with it to improve our work, our projects. It is not easy, but it is necessary.
The 5%
We need to plan for the 5%, expect it. Plan for the 5% when you are experiencing the 95% otherwise you are in trouble.
How’d we do?
We don’t ask if they understand why we need the information and data. And almost never do we ask ‘how’d we do’ about this part of the process.
2.0 – Reframing the lens through which we look
Reframing the lens through which we look provides fresh insights and enables change. We need humanitarian accountability, access, and good governance 2.0
Achieving Our Targets
When our prime performance metrics are hard numbers it tends to be focused on us and not the experience of those we seek to serve – the how doesn’t matter
Your System will not be perfect
No matter what model used, it will not be perfect. it must be accompanied by a robust system enabling people to complain, update their information, etc.