Given the heat wave the UK and Europe are experiencing, these few resources seem appropriate to share. And now take action.
From the Blog on Climate Change
Lest we forget – Digital is Physical
As we lay on the grass, watching clouds float by, the kids ask, what are clouds? Good question, and lest we forget, the digital cloud is also physical.
What to do…
The conference and meeting circuit is familiar to many. In light of the recent UN Climate Report, should it be a thing of the past?
What would it look like for humanitarian operations to be carbon-neutral?
What would it look like for humanitarian operations to be carbon-neutral? Maybe our whole operating model would look completely different than today.
Data Malpractice and Injustice
Atmospheric Cancer packs more punch than global warming. And so does Data Injustice or Data Malpractice over responsible data.
Beyond the Law
Would our approach to data and the technologies we use change if we had a similar slogan Patek Philippe or a similar approach to managing forests?
Climate Change
“All this talk about climate change, the environment, I don’t understand – isn’t the only thing that really is important, is that we get right with God?” “Well, what does that mean?” “Give your heart to Jesus, read the Bible, pray…” “Hmmm, let’s say I borrow...