Context matters. Not only for an experience about living in a country, but also for working in an organisation, working on change.
From the Blog on context
Context Matters
When we strip away all information about the context in which it was collected we lose meaning. And yet, this happens all the time
Technology is not an island
Technology is not an island. Nor does it evolve by itself in a vacuum. It happens in a context. We forget the context at our peril.
The Data Setting Duty of Care
Context matters. The more the data setting can be passed along with the data, the better chance those receiving the data will understand it more fully.
Real Estate Agents & Job Interviews
The immediate neighbourhood in which we live and the team with whom we work significantly impacts our lives. People are not islands, we are more like ecosystems.
Sun Traps and Operational Context
Context matters more than we think. You can’t take a plant out of a sun trap and plant in the rest of the garden. You can’t do it with technology either.
Digital Mind Tricks & Fingerprints
Technology is perceived different depending on where we view them from. Where do we perceive fingerprints sitting on the spectrum of care and control?
The Amnesia Trap
New Year’s resolutions formulate in our heads devoid of any connection with the rest of our lives so we conveniently forget that we are parents we need to drive our kids to various events. We create department plans of new ideas and commitments without any...