A brilliant job is open for recruitment and join us in shaping and imporiving data responsibility in the humanitarian industry
From the Blog on data responsibility
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Billboards and Data Responsibility
One of the reasons for billboards is to remind us that the company exists so that when we make a purchase we think of them.
Flood Prevention can teach us about Data Management
Flooding happens. As do data breaches. And we know, this happens no matter what values and ethos organisations have or aspire to.
Cost Choices
Digital transformation decisions should never be made on cost or legality alone. Digital transformation choices should be value based and strategy based.
Book Launch!
The ABCs of Responsible Data is a book for grownups of all ages creatively exploring the idea of responsible data in words and illustrations.
The Missing Pillar of Responsible Data or Data Responsibility
The missing pillar of portability: We can’t talk about putting the ‘beneficiaries’ at the ‘centre of all we do’ without talking about data portability.