Whether or not digital wallets will fulfill their promises is yet to be seen. It is likely they will fulfill some and not others, but along the way we will learn much.
From the Blog on digital wallets
Data Portability, Birth Certificates, and ‘Histories of Interaction’
Histories of interactions, if collectively accessible, could be extremely useful in helping the person establish or re-establish foundational identity.
Technology Solutions Rarely Address the Underlying Power Issues
It’s easy to build something. It’s quite another to make it useful. Technology has a role to play, but we need the ecosystem for it to be successful.
A Question about Digital Vaccine Records
Digital vaccine records would be brilliant for me, but how do they work for the majority of the world? Or do they just perpetuate inequality?
Uniqueness in a decentralised eco-system
We don’t appear to have solved the multiple wallet challenge. I can have multiple digital wallets; how can we prove there is only one ‘me’ in the ecosystem?
Making Data Useful for the Person not only our Organisations
What is your name? Country of birth? Citizenship? Date of birth? Address? Please provide proof of address. Married? Single? Partner? Divorced? Any children? If so, what are their names, DOB, place of birth? Anyone else who lives with you? Any disabilities? The list...
Most organisations hold individual's data, their customers or those with whom they work. In many situations, these organisations hold the data on behalf of individuals, especially when those they work with have some form of vulnerability. As we move into a world...