There are many people for whom the current way of doing things doesn’t work – people with disabilities. What if we learn from them about change?
From the Blog on disabilities
Taxing Disability in a Digital World
Taxing digital transformation. If we make ‘accessible’ devices, systems, solutions, and buildings, shops, more expensive then we are taxing the vulnerable.
Who does it leave out?
Every choice we make leaves someone out, so maybe we should be asking the question, ‘who are you going to intentionally leave out?’
Bias in a simple SMS?
Bias can appear in subtle ways – who has access to and control over the device? Linguistic and digital literacy? And perhaps even the design of the device.
‘Invisible’ Digital Discrimination
As we ‘go digital’ how are we not perpetuating and amplifying the discrimination already faced by people living with disabilities? Can we be inclusive?
Mass market Artificial Intelligence = SIRI
In my last post I talked about how an app has been created using the iPad and iPhone technology to assist communication ability between those with certain types of disabilities. Today, I'm talking about Apple and disabilities again - and it's not just because I tend...
MyChoicePad helping those with disabilities communicate!
Sometimes innovations in technology or other parts of life can seem like its innovation for innovation's sake with no real purpose, yet sometimes innovations that we label in this way are taken by others and fabulous things are created with them. So I'll admit, I...