A fence is not just a fence, there are many different types of fencing. Knowing ‘what’s it for’ is critical to choosing the correct one.
From the Blog on education
Factories, Compliance, and Aid
Compliance and resource mobilisation are assembly lines. Factories into which certain inputs are put in with outputs generated.
When we make things free are we de-valuing teachers?
The expectation of ‘free’ training courses is an undercurrent in aid agencies. When we make things free are we de-valuing teachers?
Starting Points Matter
Our starting point matters – if the group all has the same starting point, that can be helpful but also can limit our creativity. But enrolment is the key.
Give out certificates on day one
Having a certificate doesn’t mean you’ve learned anything. Learning is partly about the subject matter, but more about the work we do, a choice.
Navigation requires wisdom
Danger and opportunity are always intertwined. Both are seen and unseen. Navigation requires wisdom.
4 Considerations when ‘Going Digital’ in Children and Youth Projects
Here are four considerations when ‘Going Digital’ in projects targeting children and youth – digital literacy, access, inequality, and safety online.
Beyond Four Walls
Education needs to be reimagined. Maybe we don’t need the four walls, but perhaps maybe we do, just for different reasons than we thought.
The Next Generation Solar Powered Calculator…
Recently, I was once again in a conversation about South Sudan, where I was lamenting the limited use of solar power. It is great that many of the new road lighting in Juba is all solar-powered (thanks to the Chinese, I believe), however I amazed at how few...