Change is about jumping into a story that is already being told and impacting the storyline. It is a mindset.
From the Blog on growth mindset
One More Day of Learning
Think of all the things you done – from the mundane to the exciting – Today is just one more day of learning.
What can you do in the next ten minutes?
What can you do in the next 10 minutes? My list is so long, I’m overwhelmed and you are asking what I can do in the next 10 minutes?
How far have you come?
There will always be people further ahead on the path we are travelling. Comparing ourselves with them doesn’t help. How far have you come?
Why did you do that?
Our ‘why did you do that’ comes from an angry place rather than a place of learning. ‘What did you learn?’ might even be a better question.
We see Arrival, rarely the Journey
We see the arrival and rarely the journey. If you are walking to Toronto, it makes a big difference if you start in Niagara or Vancouver.
Comparison can be useful for learning. It can lead us to asking the wonderful why question. And in that way, comparison can be inspiring.
Gods, Humans, and Flaws
It is easy to put someone we admire on a pedastel turning them into gods, while reminding ourselves we are human and full of flaws.
Today is a Present – Use it Wisely
We are shaped by our past, by our culture – the good, the bad, and the ugly. But today is today, a present to us and we can choose how to live in it.