In a world of Google and Amazon, we have come to expect information to be organised and available with a simple search and to be able to purchase anything immediately with delivery overnight. And so, when this doesn't happen we are frustrated. In our frustration, we...
From the Blog on information management
Making Data Useful for the Person not only our Organisations
What is your name? Country of birth? Citizenship? Date of birth? Address? Please provide proof of address. Married? Single? Partner? Divorced? Any children? If so, what are their names, DOB, place of birth? Anyone else who lives with you? Any disabilities? The list...
Five Critical Components in Crisis Information Systems
Below is a short list of critical components we have compiled over the past years of working in and with crisis information systems. 1. Compliance is only one part of the puzzle, not the whole thing When discussing and mapping information management requirements with...
An Information Management Portal
This week saw us launch the Speed Evidence Portal publicly. It was an exciting time for us as it was the culmination of a year of building and testing in countries like Philippines, Somalia, Iraq, Lebanon, and the UK. The Speed Portal is an information management...
Why do we exist?
Two and half months ago, I moved houses in London and have spent most of those most shocked by the customer service or lack of it, when it comes to basic services like a phone line or plumbing repairs. I’ve dealt with multiple service providers and been promised many...
Visual Presentation of Information – does it make a difference?
Yesterday, I was working at the HUB - a shared office space in London - where I overheard a conversation which was relating a story about how people process information. Apparently, two colleagues from the same business attended a business development workshop of...