Sometimes it can be helpful to consider a different metric all together – the ability to keep ‘playing’ or working. Aka – Showing up.
From the Blog on metrics
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Oh the Metrics we track
In most large businesses, the team working on innovation and new products do not have the same profit targets as the mainstream business units.
The Metrics We Use
When the culture of our communities and workplaces are acceptance, we tend to find not less failure, just less fear of it.
R & R – just not the one you think
Risk and Revenue might just be the biggest drivers of organisations out there. We may not this version of R&R but we need to work within them.
Achieving Our Targets
When our prime performance metrics are hard numbers it tends to be focused on us and not the experience of those we seek to serve – the how doesn’t matter
What you pay attention to matters
We may not have Flesch reading scores. But how often do we care more about the technology or something other than the people we seek to serve?