Many of us do not surprises. Almost all of us do not like negative surprises – from surprise parties, to car break downs, and yes, our data.
From the Blog on privacy
Data Surprises
We expect our data to be used to improve the service or product. We want to happen. It’s the surprises that we get angry about.
Data Security: Who’s it for?
When we talk about data security, privacy, protection, what are we protecting? Securing? Keeping private? Who’s it for?
Privacy is not only individual
Privacy is individual and communal. We don’t live in individual bubbles – we in interaction with others. Therefore privacy in the digital space is complex.
Missing in Action
Privacy standards are missing in action. We need some sort of privacy standards like building standards that put the onus on the ‘builder’ not the customer.
Surveillance Choice
Surveillance happens all the time. Surveillance capitalism is much more of a choice. We must improve the awareness we create amongst those we seek to serve.
Help, by all means, but let’s not sell the vulnerable
"Anyone have contacts in the airline industry, I'm looking to map flight details of all those infected with COVID-19." Seen on Twitter I saw this tweet a few weeks ago. It was the beginning of a deluge of tweets from well meaning people wanting to help with COVID-19....
Again, who decides?
When we go digital, there are always trade offs to wrestle with. Choices will need to made about security, protection, privacy versus utility. Who decides?
I am because you are
Identity and privacy often are viewed as static or fixed; when in reality they are fluid. We need to embrace the ubuntu concept of I am because you are.