When our job is to manage risk, it can be easy to because risk adverse. Our default position can be ‘no’ to any form of change.
From the Blog on risk
Building Unintentional Highways
We put a fence up in the garden keeping rabbits out of the vegetable garden. However, it also functions well as a squirrel highway.
‘Isn’t it risky?’
The task of change makers is to de-risk change as much as possible. And yes, it is risky and so is staying the course.
3 C’s to Reduce Digital Risk and Harm
10 things feels too much, so here are 3 things project teams should focus on to reduce digital risk and harm for the project participants?
Identifying Potential Data Risks and Harms
It’s not always easy to identify potential risks and harms that exist when you collect data. Here’s a simple, and practical resource to help.
11 Common Data Risks
Digital and data provide significant opportunities for us to improve our projects, however, it also comes with risks.
Digital Airplanes
We approach risk in digital transformation with a similar attitude to boarding airplanes, ‘It won’t happen to me.’
Risks and Harms
Risks and harms are not the same thing. Risks and harms are a real part of digital transformation – both are possible and actually happen.
‘It won’t happen to me’
Most of us carry with us the ‘it won’t happen to me’ bias, but here’s the thing – harm is always possible when it comes digital and data.