Blind Spots

by | Feb 24, 2020 | Change |

Our house is a point on a triangle. We take one road out of our hamlet northeast to our local train station and to catch the road north. And we take the other road out for everything else. This main road out also connects with the road north, but further south than the train station.

Let’s call our house is ‘A’, the train station ‘B’, and the intersection point of the main road and road north ‘C’. The triangle made by the points is on our doorstep, it’s our local area, and yet we rarely see it. We also, almost never drive on the road north from point ‘B’ to ‘C’. We have no idea what shops, people, trails, stunning houses & gardens, exist there.

The triangle and the road is our blind spot. And it is on our door step. I guess many blind spots are.

It’s not uncommon for these to develop as humans like routine. Shutting off auto pilot is an intentional act we rarely do. When we do we are alert, we tend to slow down and be more present than normal.

And this happens not just on the roads we travel, but in our everyday routines. And also in our thinking patterns, the people we listen to, those we read. It’s one of the ways bias sets in and we miss that which is on our door step.

Perhaps try a new path today, give it a go, who knows what you might discover.

Photo by Bruno Martins


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