Yesterday, I spent 90 minutes on a zoom call discussing the features of the recommended digital solutions with over 300 people. We discussed information provision, data collection, training, data analysis, interoperability, costs, when to use which solution and so on. Overall it was a rich discussion, which I felt pleased about.
A few hours later, a colleague messages me asking -‘has a decision been made about a recommended solution for data collection?’ Frankly, my immediate reaction was frustration, but it quickly turned to laughter. I laughed because it is such a good reminder communication is never finished.
There is a repeated, regularity required. And even then, we should still expect some people not to know or not to hear. I am learning all the time this is a marketing challenge. Marketing is about change, not forcibly, pushy selling. Marketing helps bring our ideas to life, it is gentle, consistent, and generous. It is showing up each day, figuring out where to next step…together.
The unhealthy part of me reacts to above experiences with frustration and anger. Frustration because I feel like I have failed in communicating. And the anger is at myself, but unfortunately often expressed outward. However, the healthy part of me reacts with laughter, perhaps even joy for another opportunity to engage, to share what I know, to learn together.
Just as the unhealthy and healthy parts of me coexist, so will there always be people who hear our message and people who don’t. Communication is never finished, it is constantly needed. And the more consistent the better. If we built it, people won’t come – they need to be regularly invited, made aware, given directions, and so on.
And this, this is something we get to do. Aren’t we the lucky ones?
Thanks for this insight! Yes, tell them what you’re going to say, say it, then tell them you’ve said it, right? Especially important with complex innovative ideas, it seems.