This morning I realised I am making the same mistake I advise others to avoid. The ‘tech is the easy part’ I often say. And yet,
I’ve been wanting to write a book and launch a course for years. Two main fears have held me back – the fear of looking like a fool and of not being good enough. Everyday I come across new amazing resources, other people or other organisations putting articles, books, courses, out there. And everyday I hide a bit more, tinkering with my ideas trying to perfect them. And I keep looking for the ‘platform’ that will work for the way I want it to – and I find flaws with each option out there. I’m hiding.
I know most of my learning happens through E.D.F. in community. Enrolment, Doing, Failing wrapped up in a lot of discussion with a community. The best workshops, courses, classes I’ve taken are the ones that provoked discussions and debates with others. Ones that I have chosen to ‘enrol’ fully in, engaged in discussions with others, and applied the ideas. And then as things ‘failed’, brought the learning back to the discussions. Yes, the technology can help with this, but it’s a minor part. However, I’ve been making it the major part and hiding behind it.
Over the past number of months, I’ve pulled together content for a workshop. A workshop because it is work. It is about using ART – appropriate and responsible technology – in our organisations. No more hiding.
I’m looking for some people who are willing to test the content and model out with me. And to provide generous feedback about how to make it better. Please let me know below if you’re up for it. Testing will start this week.
Yes, it’s virtual and no, the tech is not completely figured out yet…
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Photo by Toàn Nghĩa