October is a strange time of year for gardeners. The harvest season is coming to an end. We’re madly trying to figure out how to store, preserve, and eat our veg before they go off. Most of the flowers are coming to an. end and we’re thinking about how to over winter them. The beauty of the garden is past, but the memories are incredible.
At the same time, we are preparing new ground, new beds. And we’re. planting new plants, bulbs, and soon trees. We can work for hours resulting in not a lot of change. On the surface, but underground we have planted hope liberally.
So while October is an ‘ending time’ it is also a hopeful time. Gardeners are hopeful creatures. It is a requirement. We can prepare the soil, plant seeds, bulbs, and plants, but then we live in hope. Hope for what might be. And yes, we tend our gardens but we also need to let them ‘be’. Come spring we’ll see our hope transformed gloriously, but till then we wait.
Sometimes change is like fast-acting grass seed. With the right soil, moisture, and light conditions it can turn a patch of earth green in a week. However, most change is more like the bulbs we plant in the autumn. The idea or vision of the change is planted as other seasons are ending, but for it to flourish, the organisation needs to go through a period of cold. A winter.
And yet, if bulbs aren’t planted before the winter, there will be no flowers in the spring.
So what season are you in?