
by | Apr 20, 2021 | Change


Remember gobstoppers? Or jawbreakers?

Rock hard balls of layers of different coloured sugar. I remember walking around with one of them tucked into my cheek making it stick out significantly. I also remember getting sticky fingers when taking it out to see what colour it had transformed into now. Some friends tried to see if they could make it last all day. They would even take it out and set it on the side for while. While others, like me, would try to ‘crush’ in our mouths.

Organisational change is often like a gobstopper or jawbreaker. It’s hard with multiple layers. And as you go through each layer you never really know if there is another layer to come or what you will find. The only option is to keep going or set it aside for a while. And then eventually, it’s gone. The change is complete.

And usually then, it’s time for another one.

Photo by CandyBarsSydney


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