We often spend a lot of time on our pitch. On the arguments laid out within it. On the numbers. And (hopefully) on the stories we use. We tend to use the same approach for change. And often, the results are the same – blank stares and silence.
Another approach would be consider who we are trying to influence specifically, not in general. Not ‘all senior humanitarian leaders’ but rather Fatima, the humanitarian director at IRC. And then, try to understand more about Fatima. What influences her? Does she like dogs? Read the Times? Are her kids or grandkids playing football, gymnastics, or the trombone? Do you know where she went on holiday? Does she love or hate camping? And so on.
And then, use this knowledge to shape the stories and analogies and connect with her. Specific. Targeted.
Marketers do this when they are selling us products or services. Perhaps it’s time we do it to influence the change we want to see in the organisations we care about. What if we target a specific person? Not 10, not 5, just 1.
The choice is up to us.