If you have children or spend time with some regularly, you know there are different types of noises. If you spend time with families, you know this too. And volume rarely is a factor. Over time we decipher between noises of glee, of attention seeking, of annoyance, and of pain or hurt. And while there are similarities across children, each child has their own noises which parents’ ears are tuned into.
Organisations, and the people within, are similar. There is always ‘noise’ when change is taking place. Some of it too will be noises of glee, of attention seeking, of annoyance, and of pain or hurt. Change makers tune their ears to the organisations they are working with to be able to appropriately respond.
Not all noises are created equal. Not all noises require a response. Learning the noises to respond to and how best to respond to them is one of the job of a change maker.