Our family tends to go outside in all weather. Wellies and waterproofs on and we’re outside. This has taken some cultivation as most of us preferred to stay inside by the fire. When we decided this was a lifestyle we wanted, we thought about benefits of a life lived outside, of active kids, of loving nature. We didn’t think about mud. The sheer volume of it. Or how it gets all over the house. And how it results in multiple extra loads of laundry for me to do (with the usually requirement of getting it dry in the morning).
But I would not change it for anything. The love of nature, of animals, of exploring runs deep in our kids. And they are healthier for it too.
Organisational change or digital transformation can be similar. Both require intentional cultivation and leadership. And we often think about and talk about the benefits of it. Change makers, however, know and expect there are perceived ‘negative’ consequences of the change too. New things to address (mud on floors) or additional work to be done (extra laundry loads). And yes, there are risks and potential for harm as well to navigate. And over time there is a change in culture in your organisation and teams.
At one point, you need to answer the ‘is it worth it’ question. However, everyone usually has different criteria to answer the. question. (The differences lead to interesting discussions about priorities and values!)