Give them to the Angels

by | Aug 16, 2022 | Change |


My daughter is sad. She misses her cousin. We’re in Canada and he’s in England. She’s 6, he’s 4. So yes, it’s cute. At bedtime, we talk about emotions. We talk about how they are healthy, part of being human. We talk about how great it is to have connections with people and how these connections can cause sadness. But we also talk about how emotions are not the only part of us. And how, while they are positive, we can sometimes hold on to them instead of letting them go. We practice opening our hands to let our emotions go. Sometimes we even imagine angels taking them for us so we can sleep and continue exploring.

Change and emotions go hand in hand. Emotions are healthy. And they are signposts helping us understand how the change we are implementing or discussing are impacting others. But emotions are not the whole story. We can, and should, acknowledge them. But then, we also can let them go.

And if imagining handing them to angels helps, then go for it.

So what do you or your team need to give to the angels today?

Photo by Gavin Allanwood


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