Patterns, Ryhthms, and Cycles

by | Aug 29, 2022 | Change |

patterns, rhythms, cycles

In the northern hemisphere, we’re heading towards autumn. The temperature is cooling, the vegetable garden is in full harvest mode, school is about to begin. And the bare root emails have begun appearing in my inbox. Late autumn and winter is the time to plant bare root trees and shrubs as they are dormant and so we do the least damage to them. Now is the time to order them, for November/December planting. And because I’ve ordered trees and shurbs before, I am now getting lots of sales emails telling me to buy more.

Just as nature’s seasons cycle, so does most our lives have cycles and rhythms. We can see this in sales cycles (bare root emails or Christmas sales etc.). But we can also see this in some sales processes – does your favourite shop or person you follow use a similar technique each time to either pressure you to buy, or to sell you more, or to give you a discount on the last day, or after the ‘deadline’ is past is there a ‘last chance’ opportunity the next day?

Patterns, rhythms, cycles exist all around us. Even, or especially, within organisations and industries. Change makers understand this and seek to work with the rhythms not against them.

Pause for a moment and note down some of the rhythms in your life – weekly ones or annual ones. Think about your team or organisation you work with as well. What are the patterns, ryhthms, cycles that exist? How can you use them today to help achieve the change you seek?

Photo by Céline Haeberly


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