I haven’t been sleeping much recently. We’ve added chickens to our little smallholding. 21 in fact! It was a bit of ‘grab the opportunity that presents itself’ type of decision. A neighbour had chicks and the breeds we wanted. Seemed too good to be true. So a feeder, waterer, heat lamp, food, and large box were hastily made or bought. And now, we have 21 chicks in the office. But figuring out how much heat they need and worrying that the heat lamp might start a fire has meant I am not sleeping much.
Change sometimes happens like this. Opportunities arise and we take them. But with them come worries, anxieties, and a steep learning curve. Too often we are surprised by this, but we shouldn’t be. Change bring with learning new processes, perhaps interacting with new people, and impacts how our team, family, community interacts (culture). And for some, the change is no big deal, while for others it keeps them up at night.
But over time, the change becomes the norm and the cycle begins again.
Photo by Afra Ramió