In the early hours of the morning, as the first hints of the sun’s glow appears, the dawn chorus of birdsong has become loud. I lie in my bed listening and marvelling at how loud it has become in comparison to just a month ago. Spring is well and truly on the way in the northern hemisphere. And it is delightful filling my soul with joy.
Joy and delight are rarely constant states we are in. Rather they tend to be moments that punctuate our days, our routines. And these moments are not always the same – one morning the dawn chorus of birdsong brings me delight, another day it may annoy me. But moments of joy and delight are to be held onto, to be noticed and relished.
Do not move too quickly past them, even if your to-do list is metres long. Moments of all sorts are fleeting, cherish those that bring you joy.
What hs brought you joy this week?
Photo by Tom Bradley