Our kids like scavenger hunts. The cards are ‘centrally’ controlled while where the child finds the ‘treasure’ is mostly up to them.
From the Blog on Identity
The Registration Function
What would happen if we implemented good practice from other areas? What if those doing registration were not implementing?
More than we realise
How can we remember those we interact with today, have more than we realise going on beyond what they show us?
Gods, Humans, and Flaws
It is easy to put someone we admire on a pedastel turning them into gods, while reminding ourselves we are human and full of flaws.
Remember the Human
The biggest requests I hear for sharing personal data are deduplication, referrals, and connections with financial service providers (FSPs).
Kindness is alway within our control
In all our lives, there are decisions we don’t get to make and things we are told to do. Kindness is always within our control.
A poem of encouragement to see yourself through a different lens. Perhaps a kinder (and truer?) lens. Read it slowly and multiple times.
The Same Coin
Societies work well when we have both federated and portable data systems. Not one or the other, but both. It is two sides of the same coin.
The Imposter and Fraud
Most days I feel like an imposter. When I am unhealthy I respond by retreating into shame. When healthy, I respond with convening.