In every project we implement, every change we seek to create, should we ask “how can we make a part of this fun, shareable?”
From the Blog on Uncategorised
Principles and Standards
Principles feel easy; feel aspirational and perhaps even unrealistic. Standards feel heavier; firmer; more real. Standards feel enforceable, principles do not. Standards feel like things I will be judged against; principles feel more like guidelines;...
What got you here, won’t get you there
The title is taken, of course, from Marshall Goldsmith’s classic book. The book talks of how being great at the frontline tasks (salesperson) doesn’t make you a good manager. Goldsmith argues that new managers need to stop doing the things that enabled them to be...
The Fools & Jokes of Today
The best April Fools Jokes work when they close enough to the truth so they could be true yet enough of a stretch there is the lingering niggle in the person's mind they are wondering. Knowing you are in a group where jokes are regularly played makes today exciting...
When things go wrong
well, generally it is good to apologise and it's my turn, again. I've been using MailChimp to send out these blog posts to those of you who have subscribed. Something funny has been happening with it over the past couple weeks and so some posts are going out...