In mathematics, to extrapolate means to estimate beyond the known dataset or observable range. Extrapolation happens in life, not just math.
From the Blog on assumptions
Interpretation and Assertions
No matter how nice a policy, lovely a theory, or beautiful a framework we have, the mental interpretation of it will be different across our team.
When you assume, you make an ___ out of you and me…
When you assume, you make an ___ out of you and me… However, when you assume, you prove you are human and you need others to help you see
Necessary Assumptions
Assumptions are necessary, not bad. They are good and helpful. Without them we can not move forward in anything, however, we do need to make them visible.
We make assumptions about what is said and experienced to keep our worldview in tact. Everyone does, however they might just have a different worldview.
Assumptions & Problems
I've been working on a change initiative for a long time now, slowly trying to bring different parties, decision makers, influencers together. About 6 months ago, we had a strong 'coalition of the willing' and thought we had a decision made. Then it all fell apart,...
Responsible Data & Induction hobs
How oven and hob literate are you? Funny question isn't it? Perhaps the AirBnb host should have asked us. It was a beautiful cozy little 'tiny house' with everything we needed. It was made from straw bales with high eco credentials that we wanted to see, so were...