There is always the delicate balance between where to invest the resources we have. For charities and NGOs, it’s a four way see-saw, not a two way one.
From the Blog on bernadette jiwa
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The Most Important Story
The story we tell ourselves, the voice in our head. It is likely the most important story. Understanding it, knowing what it is, can be enlightening.
Generous Learning is a Choice
Attention is finite, being generous with our learning is a choice. How we engage with the world, with our colleagues, is a choice we make everyday.
Original, Not Original
Very few of us have a truly original idea; it is not about making exact copies of the other; but how we mash together ideas and apply them in our context.
Heroes, Villains, and Guides
I've been reading a lot about stories lately, the structure of stories and how every good story has a hero, a villain, and a guide. According to Donald Miller, you can decipher almost all films using the following structure: A character (hero), has a problem...