Monocultures of any kind are rarely a positive thing. By diversifying, the benefits exponentially increase.
From the Blog on capacity building
Magnetic Hills and Frontline Staff
Frontline staff might be the most important aspect of data management and the most overlooked, just like magnetic hills are a rare phenomenon
Can you step aside?
The challenge for most change makers is that when we are the problem, can we step aside so someone else can be the messenger?
System Frustration
Too often organisations or government departments are being sold some fancy digital system, but no one knows how to use it causing system frustration.
Starting Points Matter
Our starting point matters – if the group all has the same starting point, that can be helpful but also can limit our creativity. But enrolment is the key.
Localisation: Missing InAction
We talk about localisation and digital, but do little to help smaller organisations build their capacity. We expect them to do it on their own.
Proudly Un-Certified?
With tight budgets figuring out capacity building with certification is tough. Perhaps we need to question why we need certification in the first place.