Sometimes our systems say someone does not exist even though they standing right in front of us. What we do with a system failure says a lot about us.
From the Blog on Covid-19
Where are Vaccine Passports Taking us?
The vaccine passports can help societies ‘open up’ again, but this only works if the vaccines are freely available and equally available. This is not the case.
Vaccine Records – Digital AND Paper
Digital transformation must always be able to be ‘interoperable’ with non-digital systems. Paper vaccine records must continue to work.
Vaccine Racism?
Here in the UK the vaccine programme is rolling along. This brings with it a slightly more positive outlook in the news of the state of the world. However, when you look at the data presented in the map below we see a different picture. Africa is quite in comparison...
Digital Vaccine Passports and Social Inequalities
If we are creating a digital vaccine passport, we need to ask how do we create them in a way that reduces social inequalities rather than increasing them
Vaccine Inequality
Does it make sense for people like me or even teachers, police etc. here in the UK to be vaccinated before health care workers in Sudan? Brazil?
Recovery Design for Digital Vaccine Records
Digital is great until it breaks. We need a plan for when it breaks. Multiple plans. Plans for the everyday. Recovery design for everyday life.
Possibilities all around
As the lockdown ends, we have choices and possibilities before us. Let’s see them and let’s intentionally decide which path we take.
What is the Precedent we want to set?
By requiring people to declare their COVID status, what precedent are we setting? Are we enabling employers to hire based on private health status now?