From the Blog on hiding



Permission and approval from others does not change the fact it might not work. Convening costs little, but does come with the risk that you might be alone.

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Rights & Responsibilities

"Those laws and regulations do not apply to us" Please do not talk about having the individual, the customer, the recipient, the beneficiary at the centre of everything you do and then in the next sentence talk about how certain laws do not apply to you because you...

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NO – can be a way to hide

"We would like to do this activity and charge it to this budget line item. It wasn’t in the original design, but as we’ve engaged with the communities, it’s become a critical need that could never have been foreseen, so we want to address it." "You can’t do that as it...

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Arbitrary Lines: Helpful & Harmful

New Year's day could have been any day of the year, but January 1 was chosen, except if you are in China were it was February 5 or in Ethiopia where this year (2019) it is September 11. And why January 1st, not February 1st, or July 1st? The answer lies with a Pope...

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