From the Blog on kindness

3 Minutes

3 Minutes

What if each day for the next year, we paused for 3 minutes a day, and wrote a thank you to someone for a gift they gave?

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Kindness and Inclusion

Kindness and Inclusion

Build a bigger table, find an extra chair, add a little water to the soup. Inclusion may slow us down in the short term, but often helps us go further.

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People who live on the spectrum of depression are not defective humans. We are your family members, friends, colleagues, and coworkers.

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This is poem by Brian Bilston that was shared with me by a friend. It’s a reminder of the impact of small things, consistently done.

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Mental Health

Mental Health

While there is more awareness of mental health than a few decades ago, mental health appears to be at a low point.

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Gardeners are competitive. But they also seem to understand the value of sharing and that if we have more people gardening, we all ‘win’.

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The Hidden 98%

The Hidden 98%

Kevin Kelly states: ‘You see only 2% of another person, and they see only 2% of you. Attune yourselves to the hidden 98%’

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