Fairness is not as straightforward as we think. It is often in the eye of the beholder. However, there isn’t just one beholder.
From the Blog on listening
Corruption, Choice, and Pizza?
Just like everyone around our table can choose which pizza to eat, so should people be able to choose which aid they receive.
Making Coffee for People who want Tea
I can be efficient at raising pigs and making coffee, but if you drink tea and don’t eat pork, my efficiency is meaningless to you.
Conversations don’t always go well the first time. Sometimes they cause hurt. And it is easy to walk away and not engage ever again.
Trickle Down, rarely trickles
No matter how often we see examples of how the ‘trickle down’ is more of a ‘trickle or rush up’, we hold onto the belief.
Cultural colonialism
We all have values we live by. Sometimes we are aware of them, sometimes we are not. Some are personal, some our communal, and some are part of the broader culture or cultures we live in. A crude way to discover some of them is to look at what we spend our time and...
Listening and Telling
Getting people to listen to you is very different to listening to what others are saying.
Assert without Arrogance
Having an opinion or an assertion about the way things are and the change you would like to see is not arrogant. It is necessary. It is human.
Not all noises are created equal
There is always ‘noise’ when change is taking place. Some will be noises of glee, of attention seeking, of annoyance, and of pain or hurt.