Perhaps localisation is not about local organisations becoming more like international ones, but rather the opposite.
From the Blog on localisation
Old Technology and Localisation
Many organisations have highly sophisticated technology systems. The challenge is when we work with local organisation who use old technology.
Good Enough Compliance
When we look for local partners, we look for organisations that look like us – with processes in place that meet our compliance requirements.
Localisation: A Fancy Word or Fading Light?
Localisation is a fancy word. A good marketing word. It sounds nice. The problem is no one wants to do it.
Local prt.2
What if one of the key metrics of a response was whether or not the local civil society was stronger post response than pre-response?
Working with Those Already There
What would happen if international agencies all decided to work through local organisations in the countries surrounding Ukraine? What would it take?
Localisation: Missing InAction
We talk about localisation and digital, but do little to help smaller organisations build their capacity. We expect them to do it on their own.