Unfortunately, we see the policy as an end goal. Therefore, many humanitarian organisations are graveyards of wonderful policies, never implemented.
From the Blog on responsible data
We Lost our Data
We conducted a survey. But when we went to look for the results, they were gone. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Vanished into to thin air.
Data and Animals
Having pigs, chickens, and a dog brings different responsibilities than having flowers and vegetables. So does collecting data.
Rapid Shut Down – The First Step is Often the Hardest
Step one in preparedness is knowing where your data is, but like many first steps, it is the hardest. It may seem simple, but it’s not.
Data is for Life, not just Christmas
I often see bumper stickers and posters saying, ‘A dog is for life, not just for Christmas.’ The reminder is simple and clear.
We haven’t been looking
We often think about, notice, and point out what is there. What is there. We often forget to look for what is not there.
Not what it seems with AI
Most AI systems are trained on datasets from a small group of sources – Nothing from Africa and little from Asia and Latin America.
Three Reasons to Consider Collective Data Ownership
Collective data ownership is not the silver bullet for all our challenges. And frankly, would likely create new challenges. Consider it still
What Excites You About This Project?
What excites you about this project? It was an excellent question, but not one I expected. We weren’t in an interview, it was a webinar.