On a walk in the woods with my daughter, she climbs a tree and then asks me to catch her. With looks of delight in her eyes, she hurls herself at me believing I will catch her. (And I do.) When we visit our doctor we expect them to take notes about our visit and keep...
From the Blog on surveillance
Who are Identity Systems for?
Hopefully knowing who you are allows us to be more human. To see and be seen. If identity systems don’t, then we might as well be a number.
Mothers, Brothers, and Cookies
The challenge is that big brother and big mother are two sides of the same coin. And cookies, well, cookies are tracking devices uses by big brother.
Between surveillance and recognition: A comment
The challenge of the long tail of data and technology is often caused by speculation and scope creep – these sit within the circles of complexity and power.
Surveillance and Diversity
How do we as a society walk the fine line between benefit and harm when its the same data and insight? Diversity is key.
Surveillance Choice
Surveillance happens all the time. Surveillance capitalism is much more of a choice. We must improve the awareness we create amongst those we seek to serve.
Dark Side of Cash & Digital Transformation: Surveillance
One would be hard pressed to make a case that cash programming doesn’t contribute to the possibility of surveillance – we’re not talking about this enough
Not Characteristics of a Robot
Resisting becoming a robot involves being kind, caring, compassionate, full of grace and unbelievably generous are not characteristics of a robot.
Dear Apple & Google
Apple and Google made public the work they are jointly doing on developing a global contact tracing capability. It’s addressed some privacy concerns, but…