In a world where artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT and others are writers, should we stop writing?
ChatGPT: Should I stop writing?
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In a world where artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT and others are writers, should we stop writing?
Characters in stories develop over time, even in the rewriting, and the narrative evolves. The same is true in change. It evolves.
Today is the 1,000th day I have written to clarify some idea, thought, niggle. I’d encourage you to write daily, it clarifies your thoughts like nothing else.
In the past 500 days I’ve started & stopped many things. I tried many new things and given up. But everyday I’ve wrote and hit publish. 500 days of writing.
In writing daily for 300 days, I find myself switching from wondering if I will write tomorrow to wondering what tomorrow’s blogpost will be about.