The problem of data portability has challenged humanitarian organisations for many years. How can aid providers share data about specific cases between organisations responsibly? How can continuity of service be ensured when aid recipients are on the move? And how can aid recipients gain more control over their own data which we hold? The CCD are implementing a project, funded by ECHO, to find answers to these questions (Project details can be found here).
Research into data portability commissioned by the CCD Network identified that many organisations are dissatisfied with the status quo, and concluded that the humanitarian sector needs to try new approaches to data portability. (The reports can be found here and here.) This is particularly urgent in light of the rapid digitalisation of aid programming, especially cash and voucher assistance.
This is a recording of the webinar in which we share the highlights of these research findings and discuss how principles of data stewardship might form the basis of such a new approach – not just to data portability and protection, but to wider issues of data governance.
We invite you to learn more and discuss further with us, and to shape the CCD’s development of data portability pilots. Therefore, if you have any questions or comments about the project or would like to discuss data portability – please feel free to be in contact with myself.