Communicating Clearly

by | Jul 6, 2019 | Change, ICT4D, Learning |

I’ve never given much thought to boarding passes. I tend to only look for two pieces of information on them – seat and gate numbers. And now, I rarely use a paper one. And yet, when I came across the below image this week, I found myself saying “Yes!!!” out loud. I love the ‘cleanness’ of it and how it using images to identify the key pieces of information. It communicates much more clearly than the ‘normal’ one.

For any change project we need to be doing this more than we usually do. We need to move beyond words into communication. Whether its our guidelines or how we communicate our policies, if we aim for the bottom image we might find people understand the change more.

In previous posts, when I’ve digital literacy and creatively communicating with those with whom we work, this is an example of what I would love to see more of. If we can take our policies, guidelines, our understanding of why we need data, how it is used, with whom it is shared, what options and rights people have and turn the words (the ‘normal’ boarding pas) into mostly images (second boarding pass), we likely will create much more understanding.

Photo by Icons8 team


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