Our dog growls at passing trains. Fairly normal behaviour. However, we live beside a train track. Therefore, trains pass every 30 minutes. And yet, our dog appears surprised and fearful of them. We find it a bit strange he hasn’t adapted to them, accepted them, and we also find it a bit funny.
Christmas is will be with us soon. Same time as last year and the year before that. And yet, still we find ourselves commenting ‘I can’t believe its nearly Christmas…’ We often appear to be caught off guard by the rhythms of life and the year. Perhaps we’re not so different than our furry friends after all.
Life has its rhythms. Some rhythms vary based on culture, religion, family and so on, but life has its rhythms. And so do organisations. Rhythms both shape and are shaped by organisation processes, people, and culture. And yes, we all have moments of being surprised by these rhythms (I can’t believe its year-end already!).
Change makers know this. And they use the rhythms to embed the change they seek to bring about. Sometimes the rhythms are process, people, and cultural. But change itself also has a rhythm, actually many rhythms. Just like understanding the rhythm of a song is critical for each instrument to follow, figuring out what rhythm your change is ‘playing’ is critical.
And they also know this year has been and will continue to be different. The ‘normal’ rhythms have be altered, some drastically and others with small tweaks. And there new rhythms developing.
So what rhythms are important for you to be aware of today? How can they help you ‘know’ what’s coming?