We put a fence up in the garden keeping rabbits out of the vegetable garden. However, it also functions well as a squirrel highway.
From the Blog on do no harm
Do No Harm and Surprises
The challenge comes with negative surprises. When the data we collect gets used for all kinds of things we didn’t or couldn’t imagine.
‘It won’t happen to me’
Most of us carry with us the ‘it won’t happen to me’ bias, but here’s the thing – harm is always possible when it comes digital and data.
Seeing Slowly
Many organisations have cultures of speed. One of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to see the ‘long view’. It is about seeing slowly.
Digital Harassment
Harassment is said to be exponentially worse when we ‘go digital’. However, rarely are ‘harassment’ checks being done as part our technology choices.
Unintentional does not mean Not Responsible
Just because it is unintentionally does not mean we are not responsible. Want to reduce harm? Collect less data and delete the data we collect.
Residual Heat and Harm
When data lies around it has a sleepiness about it. However, when it is poked a little bit, it can come to life and be both harmful and helpful.
Moving Beyond PII
Last week, I was in the offices of a credit card company. As I was shown around, we came across a massive screen with a map on it which was showing the density of credit card transactions happening in the world in real time. You could zoom in to Manhattan and compare...
This is going to end badly
Remember the scandal when people's private data was leaked? No, not that one, the other one. No the other one. No no no, the other one. Unfortunately this is more common and will continue to be. Take a moment to think how powerful you felt when you heard about the...