Digital has transformed photography making it photo taking cheap, instanteous, and easy to share. And added in significant risk.
From the Blog on informed consent
Designing Consent
Designing consent in an app or system doesn’t really work. Consent is a relational, trust, human activity not a yes/no tick box.
Audaciously Consent
We can debate if informed and meaningful consent is a thing or even possible. Or we can go out of our way to be clear about what data is being collected, why, what we do with it, and what people's rights are. Not in fine print, but boldly, loudly, creatively,...
Humanitarian Data: 10 Things to Do
The recent events in Afghanistan are not just about Afghanistan, but rather about how we work and the ecosystem in which we work. Here are 10 things to do.
Bartering, not Free
Consent assumes two or more equals are engaging. When we distribute aid, we require an exchange of information for the aid. We are bartering.
Auditing Data Collection (Consent)
Audits almost always check that consent was collected. But rarely, if ever, do they check if appropriate awareness was created.
3 Options for Improving Responsible Data Practices
Improving the operationalisation of responsible data practices within our projects can feel like an unattainable goal. Here are 3 options to start.
How can we evaluate the success and failures of informed consent?
How can we evaluate informed consent?Isn’t and wasn’t the point of informed consent to improve our practices and behaviours?
Admitting we don’t care
A lot of time and energy is spent debating informed consent focusing on the consent part. What would happen if we focused on the informing part?