What the book and the calendar do well is help us ‘see’ different categories. They remind us not to treat everything the same.
From the Blog on meetings
8 Tips for Hosting Hybrid Meetings
Hosting hybrid meetings doesn’t have to be scary or overly difficult. Here are 8 tips to help you design and plan.
It’s hard to be productive when you need the loo
ccording to Microsoft, the amount of time we spend in meetings has grown by over 250% since February 2020. Today, try something different
Meetings Manifesto
Meetings are for discussions, debates, disagreement, discourse, and engagement. Meetings are about engaging and shaping the outcome.
Wasting Time creates Culture
Meetings can be powerful moments of debate, of listening, and decision making. This all contributes to the culture of your team, of the organisation.
Avoidable Angst
Meetings to solve a specific problem happening now tend to be focused, specific. How are we going to solve this particular issue? What is the plan to launch this campaign? Who needs to do what, when? These meetings are narrow, often rigid and often have a more...
The Powerpoint Drug
so meetings can be super interesting or super frustrating or just plain ol' boring, yet they really don't have to be. Yet it seems that we are unable to conduct a meeting or a presentation without the joys of powerpoint. it's like we have shackled ourselves together...